today i just completed my napfa test. there were only 6 of us doing since 4 of us have ponned pc lesons for dunno how many times already. i dunno wat's up with sit and reach this station. why is it that a flexible person will score less than a person who is much less flexible? i can't understand! and im super pissed cos im flexible but yet i scored 39 cm. this proves that this station has gt nothing to do with one's flexibility, it has gt to do with sth else! like how far u're from the thing i suppose.
just came back from cell and had a great time laughing. before that, watched caiyun, siokyit, cherie, denise, shermaine perform their choir duty, and i tried to follow their actions. it seems so fun! i would surely join next year. but for now i would just go to the front there and support them, together with ro and the rest.
Show me the pain
Open my heart and tear it apart
Humiliate me and shame me
Hurt my heart badly like what hurts yours
Bring me to my knees
Make me cry out to the One in heaven
Show me the meaning of thorough defeat
Then bring me to the frontlines
Make me witness the suffering out there in the battle zone
Search my heart and know my thoughts
Use my greatest fears to attack me
Till I'm trembling and sprawling on the ground
WIth tears streaming down uncontrollably
Then show me the truth
The situation which is dying for people to know
Show me your heart
And perhaps I'll understand
Maybe it'll not be very clear to me
But just a small part is enough
For your work to be done
I see my own insignificance in the world
But I'm as precious as the others in your eyes
All it takes is a single willing person
You'll do the rest.
I'm addicted to yui. i just like her songs so much. going to je swimming centre on mon with rp, yj and some others. oh how i look forward to dat day. i think my heart will burst of the excitement. btw, i learnt today dat it's really, really, really imp to hold your tongue. im just the sort of person who speaks before she can think. And it's also insensitivity on my part. so sorry, i made you cry.. first time see someone cry because of my words and im so guilty lol... but things are ok now, thank goodness.
took this from pastor eugene's blog. =)