Quite a lot pf people easily believes that there is a god. In fact, some poeple believe that all the gods of small things lead to one and only one God. But come to Jesus Christ few people will willingly admit that He is our God too. Jesus, the name just seems so hard to accept. Probably we don't know Him personally, probably we can't seem to accept the fact that he really does exist as more than a human. My cousin said that some people go to church for the first time and they believe that there is indeed a God but come to Jesus, they are not so sure...
Do you know why a lot of people find it hard to commit themselves to a 'religion'? They prefer to remain as 'free-thinkers'. To commit youself to Chistianity means more than just going to church every sunday and shout hallelujah there non-stop. It doesn't mean that the better you sing the worship songs, the more $ you give to the church you are a good person in God's eye, you are a worthy Christian. If it is that easy a lot of people would have risen to heaven already lol. A Christian has to commit themselves to God and Jesus Christ and by that i mean that they have to stop thinking of themselves only. They have to stop putting themselves first in their own self-centered world. Something which a lot of people cannot accept is that they have to give up their own desires and wants too. They have to stop thinking that they hold destiny in their hands, thinking that they can govern their own life as it is their life that they own. Everything is about I, I, I. Which school i want to go to, which course shouold i take, which job should I take up after I graduate. All these things they think that they are in charge and that no one should take over their lives. Those Christians, they must think, they have no backbone, everything they do, they put their God and that Jesus first, they listen to everything their church says and do everyhting the Bible tells them to do. Don't they have their own life? Aren't they being controlled like puppets in this way? Who are they exactly? People with their own rights or people wihtout their brains?
What non-believers don't understand is our love for God. When you truly love someone you could give up everything for that person and that is the same case with God. He sent His one and only son to die for us, to go through that much suffering, all that just for us ingrates simpky because He loves us too much. We sinned so much and Jesus, one who holds no sins, had to take up the blame and because He has no sins, hell can't keep Him down there for long, thus He had risen to heaven. That is too the same case as us Christians, becuse we believe that God is real, because we believe that the Bible is more than a book, it's God's words, because of that we grow to love God and to trust Him and in return for our faith and trust in Him, He blesses us. All the little things we pray for He grants them. Even when we forget Him while indulging in our own work He doesn't mind. Faith is important yet it is difficult to possess of. Faith is believing in something you can't see and predict. Because you can't navigate the future, you believe in the unpredictable, believe in Him, that despite the chaos of the world, He will keep you safe. In return for the trust you have in Him, He will bless you with protection and a bright future. Like a star, wherever you go, you will bring the fragrance of Him, that you will shine like the isolated brightest star in the sky. Because you have God and so you have nothing to fear. Knowing that He'll never abandon or forsake you, you will do things without fear and without hesitation.
Love Fiesta is just great. I had fun frying the popcorn chicken. Had fun poking them too. The day before I was so worried that sales would be bad and so I prayed that we would have a roaring success and we sure had that! God is faithful. As long as we open our mouth and ask Him for it, as long as whatever we ask for doesn't go against the Bible, He will give them to us. In the end, we sold all our stock, all 30 boxes of popcorn chicken. That's extremely great!Of course we couldn't earn much as our capital is quite hich but still, we don't have to eat or waste any leftovers!
Results coming out soon. All things must come to an end. Im a person who warms slowly to things. I don't feel particularly nervous now but on that day, the full sensation of about to receive my results would hit me and i would be a full nervous wreck on that day. Don't think I would be calm enough to listen to lectures. ha.