Saturday, July 07, 2007

just reached home from ed silvoso conference.. was sleeping for like the first 10 mins cos i really couldn't take it.. slept late again the night before just to watch bleach..had a long talk with a fren into the wee morning.. this is wat i wan to say to him,

Dear brother...
hey, if u're feeling terrible now because of the various issues, why dun u try casting all ur frustrations/worries/agonies onto God? u may feel that u're unworthy to do so because in a way, u've sinned against him, but what i wan to say is that God definitely doesn't think so, even if u've sinned, he still loves u, and who doesn't do wrong things once in a while anw? all the small worries u have, even if u think they are too insignificant to bother God with, God doesn't think so. He loves for us to just talk to him about our thoughts, inner feelings and those secrets which we can't tell anyone at all, even our best fren. He created us because He loves us, remember? Even before He created the universe and everything.. He had in his mind, our best interests. He thought of us already even bofore He made the blue skies, the shining stars and all the other wonderful works of nature u see around us. so, whenever u're feeling down, feel free to tell him about what's upsetting u. u're not bothering Him at all. Which father doesn't like his child to trust Him enough to be able to tell them just about everything. but even if u dun, He still knows what's in ur mind anw..

about that issue which u're troubled over. i dun know how to advice u as seeing Im not that wonderous as God Himself. what i can tell u, though, is that pls, u dun have to feel ashamed towards Him. there are distractions preventing u to really trust Him with all ur life and u know that too. rmb, u cannot serve 2 or more Gods at the same time. girlfren, studies, money etc... i ask of u to really pray... and by really pray, i mean really really really cast away all ur inhabitations, ur fears of showing ur weak side, ur unbeliefs and doubts. we've always been so busy with everything, i think it's extremely befitting to dedicate some of our time to Him and Him alone. Focus on Him.. the fact that He died for us when He doesn't need to at all, go back to the meaning of the cross. whatever that is stopping u from going all out to trust Him it's ok to be frank with Him after so much time of 'not bothering' Him. and always remember, trust Him like He trust u... faith plays an important role in the christian life, it's about believing in sth/someone whom u can't see or feel, using our five senses. yes.. u may call it blind faith, just as others who dun understand call it. but aren't all the evidences such as testimonials and real life experiences convincing? it's inevitable that we may doubt Him and even His existence at times when we're still new to this new life... that's when we question ourselves, r we really following the real god? or r we just like fools, being held by leashes by the church? at these times, i know it's difficult to continue.. who ever said that being a Christian is easy? a lot, a large number of people went the other way round because of this. they chose to follow their ownselves. freedom to them is being able to do whatever they want if they felt like it, without any inhabitations... but my dear brother... u and i know that that's not true freedom at all. we dun have to explain to others/ppl who r skeptics why we believe in God and Jesus.. there's no need to. since we hold the truth in our hearts, we know that nothing matters, really, compared to the one who loves us so much, with such a perfect love that no one can comprehend...

pray often... for the things bothering u.. just about anything u can pray for. and by praying it simply means talking to God. and about the holy spirit speaking to us thingy which we ppl from charismatic church keep talking about? i know that u're somehow freaked out by charismatic churches because of past bad experiences.. but wat i wan to tell u is that.. yes. there exists a holy spirit and it's true He speaks to us. He doesn't go "BOOM BOOM BOOM SO-AND-SO..." because that's just not the way to it. He'll just make us die of heart attacks soon after. we want God to speak to us so much, or we just want a sign from Him, a response, to show us that He's indeed listening, the truth is we are really caught up with doing our own things that we seldom and rarely quiet our hearts down and focus our attention on Him alone.. dun be stressed/pissed because u're sick of the 'U will tear when u experience God's presence' thingy... just know that even if u've prayed for a hundred years without receiving any responses at all from Him... it doesn't mean that He doesn't love u or He thinks u're unworthy compared to other ppl or He wants to turn away form u cos u've sinned so much. no, it's not. i ask of u to trust Him. respect Him and fear Him, yes, but know that He's our father too, and also He's the best fren all of us would ever have.. He's not empty air or someone imaginery... God is someone who wants our love just as He loves us. When we truly love Him, all other things really just pales in comparison... studies.. results.. career.. everything, anything... non-believers dun understand why we always put God as our top priority.. they may even think it's foolish to say that one's passion is for GOD. but we know for ourselves what we know.

thus.. hold on tight to Him! trust Him... pray until u get an answer from Him. im sure.. 100% sure.. that GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS.. dun be dismayed and may ur faith in Him be strong...

btw.. i repeat myself.. i am not a fundamentalist (lol). it's true that i think the times centuries ago are better as in less immoral.. but i dun want the present times to go back either because dat's just the way it is. nothing could be done to reverse time or the hearts of human beings.. we change over time and that's a hard fact we just have to accept..


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