Friday, April 13, 2007

i fell asleep during hist lecture again!!! now dat i think of it, i dun think ive successfully kept the zzz monster away during a hist lecture, except one, just one. i think i must have been too tired. every day i have to wait till at least 1 am before i will sleep, its like i cannot sleep early unless im super tired. and the problem is dat i only get tired during the wee hours of morning den i will gladly go to sleep. and so i ended up getting less than straight 8 hours of sleep! sorry god, because of this stupid sleeping habit of mine, i always enter sleeping mode before i can even finish my chat with u. wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are many terms which u can use to descibe god. holy, merciful, forgiving, fatherly, giving, patient, peaceful, kind, loves us alot. however i think i wan to add another word to describe him. he's creative. just look around us and u can see god's works. heck, just look at urself in the mirror. ur eyes, nose mouth, ears.. everything, right from ur root hair to ur toenails, they are all created by god. everyone is wondefully and fearfully made in his image. he modelled us under him, so who dare to say dat he/she is ugly. u may be in the eyes of humans but the eyes of humans are not perfect. other people dun view u with a loving heart, only god does. look further within u. all the complex mechanics of ur inner body, the nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, blood transport system. even up till today, scientists do not know the exact contents of the life-giving protoplasm. they cannot re-create this and so humans cannot recreate the origins of life. one cannot deny the fact that there must be a god who created us and who crated us with loving hands. look at the natural land where other living things coexist in intricate and delicate relationships. there are so many species of flora and fauna that we have not even discovered all of them. the different animals, all of them which hold us spellbound. we think horses are beatiful, we think lions are majestic, den aren't the one who created them even more so? the theory of the big bang, i think the people who think that its indeed true are impossible. how can so many amazing living things just pop out with a collision? and look at the earth itself, so many layers of different gases. each one there for a purpose. i dun think that just by a mere coincidence, a universe, planets, animals, plants, humans would just appear. it is so obvious that all these things are the work. he has the power to do all these things, all his work remains as evidence, still we stubborn people just could not bring ourselves to believe in his existence. we believe in ourselves, in our hard work, in the amount of effort we put in, in things which we can see.... but not our saviour. he died for us, sacrificed so much just for our sake, knowing that he would go unrecognised by ppl in the future, yet we dun see him at all. he's so real!! yet we're blind. we open our eyes big for the worldly things, things which are superficial, which we get temporary happiness from, yet we choose to close our eyes to the most obvious of the obvious.

anyway this webbie is cool, u can watch the whole service without actually being there.


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