Wednesday, November 07, 2007

are the people of our country really like what the others say-stupid? our youngsters may be more concerned about their school life and the entertainment news but are they actually apathetic to politics? how about the grown-ups? do they really know what's going on around the country in the way we are being ran, or are they just pretending that everything is alright and that we shouldn't do anything to break this peace and prosperity. sure a maximum govt is different from an authoritative govt but it is only better than the latter by a fine line. what's with the salary increase of white collars? what's with the number of people recruited to run such a small country anyway? sure, God gave our leaders the right and authority to rule over us, to determine our happiness but sometimes it really is difficult to continue thinking that the ppl who run our country is really that great. they brought us independence and advancement into a first-world country but there could be further democracy, in the form of transparency. what's with the scandal regarding public donations? had the man who masterminded the whole thing got what he truly deserved? the extension of retirement age for our senior citizens, why is i that the more i think, the more i see it as a heartless sort of law. poor me, how long do i have to work exactly before i can finally retire and enjoy the fruits of my labour? and what do our dear white collars do? present their causes passionately to work towards the happiness of the people? not. sure, we enjoy a good life, but at the cost of what? i suppose, being dumbos in an enclosed world is pretty enjoyable too.


Blogger wanderlust said...

well said (: intellectual!

3:47 am  

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