Tuesday, October 23, 2007

rachel pek is priceless.. first thing she said to me over msn is, "Welcome back to civilisation." thanks, for implying dat im living in a cave all this while.

was sick today so didn't go to school but dat's all well by me, i would jump at any chance just to slack at home.

to a certain somebody (if you're reading this), pls change ur entire inr, or at least 99% of it, because dat's MY WORK! there is a certain limit to the amount of crap a person can take and somemore, im not a saint! btw, no hard feelings intended.

it's true that when u stray from God, as in stop praying for days straight, u'll find it hard to come back on track. has my high on God ended?

i need to sort out my school stuff but the sight of seemingly neverending piles of stuff from the past yr could really give one the dreaded creeps.

just wondering, what will happen when A levels are over, when its really time to stop wallowing in the sheltered haven of uniforms, books and academics? where will we go from there? hell, i don't even noe what is His plans for me.i hope it wun be too big of a shock though.

btw, im really, really proud to be in the arts stream. yeah, the only 'useful' subject seems to be econs and maths and my maths is like only H1 so ya. and i noe too of this thing about singaporeans, that those who go into the arts stream go there because they cannot go to the sci stream and so arts stream is the next best option should they want to be in a jc. yea, students of the sci stream have lots more choices of courses in uni and also plenty more job options. they would be able to snare the highest paying jobs such as architects, engineers blah. first day of primary school, what do your mama tell u? study hard, get good grades, which has the underlying meaning of 'graduate as as a uni student, get a good job, grab those promotions, stay rich and from there, find happiness from wealth comforts'. well, i dun give a f*cking damn abt dat. how can singaporeans be so pragmatic? is being successful in the workplace such an imp thing? i dun get it with this screwed up mentality. anw, ignore this part, it's just senseless rantings.

btw, how to get an A for gp? super impossible.


Blogger RACHEL said...

HAHA!i agree totally!im priceless!!heehee.anyway, yea. A for GP is more impossible for me.i'll be happy if i am able to get a B la.but for now, im still a big fat U.long way to go....

8:00 pm  

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