Friday, April 27, 2007

People say, "You're just 17, what for you're so obsessed with religion and god that kind of stuff, it's so freaky!"

If it's not the time now to follow God then when is the so-called suitable time? I may say that A levels are important and i cannot afford to screw up. Then after i finish my A levels? When that time comes, i may say that i need to have some fun first before entering uni, then comes uni, and i may say that i would want to concentrate on my studies, uni fees are high, cannot afford not to scrape through. Then comes after uni and i may say that i will have to find a job and enter the working world so i dun have the time for that. Then comes the time when i retire. Oh, im too old to follow god, can't really accept something unknown and new. Then comes the day we die and we think that oh we can't possibly turn back the time so there really is nothing to do already. On and on it goes, we're always giving excuses, only ourselves know why. If there are really so many excuses then for our whole life, we will never even give ourselves the chance to know god, not to follow him and give your heart to him, just the one time to convince ourselves to go visit our friend's church and to get an experience, surely this is something relatively easy to do? What exactly is preventing us from wanting to know more about the God whom created us. Now we cannot deny that there is a great figure who created all things on earth. Where do you think nature and the diverse living things in it come from? Or you may argue that there is no need for you to even know Jesus or God (most ppl say this)! We're not in dire need of anything, we're not so sick or diseased that we have to resort to religious help in order to get well, we're not born in a christian family so what's the point of starting anyway and we don't even know if there really is a god who exists just to love us. Most of all, we're not prepared to become 'religious' and mix with all those 'holy' people. I'm the one who rule my own life. I have the ultimate control over it. I can do whatever i want with my life. And since my parents gave birth to me then they are the ones whom i should put as the most important people in my life and i should love them the most. Who is this jesus? Even if he really existed that long ago, how can he be a god now? He's just a human for goodness' sake! I thought all humans are imperfect? Then how come this one person can be perfect, give perfect love and still be alive and living beside us all this while? Everything is about i, i, i. I want to do this i want to do that. I do these things for myself, not for anyone else. I can't imagine myself even doing things and serving a 'Lord', it's too weird, too detached from reality, too ridiculous to even think of, too unimaginable.

Well, even when i first became a christian, i still played around with these thoughts. I thought that going to church is a bore. Even staying at home and staring into space seems to be a much better option. I thought that there is no need to go at all as i can't understand the meaning of it. All the things they preach, they seem to be all the same! Blah blah blah. In my heart, i still don't know who is God or Jesus exactly. Yes i know that Jesus loves us and he came to died for us and he washed away our sins and blah blah. In my mind i know all these things but in my heart, i don't feel any of these things at all. I don't understand his love. I can't really come to terms with the meaning of the cross. "What do they mean when they say the cross is the bridge to salvation? And about sins, what are they? How can they be washed away? If so, then why are there still so many natural disasters? In fact, it's growing even more!"

Any person who really wants to know all these answers to the questions, if he or she is willing to do research, im sure that in the end, they will be convinced that there really is a god. Just take a look at the bible. It truly is an amazing miracle itself. Written over so many years ago by different people who don't know each other (they can't possibly have access to the things written before them as when they write the things which they've written already, the bible is not even published, the different books written before are not even brought together yet), it has over thousands of predictions which have really come true, in today's context. And it is the most accurate history document ever as the accounts by different people are written at most within 60 years of each other. The people who gave their word most of them know Jesus and have seen him, since it's such a short time span. And i don't think they have anything to gain by telling lies and falsehoods.

If you're interested to see what are the predictions in the bible which have come true, go to ignore the advertisements though, and scroll down.

Just imagine. There is a person who loves you so much he is willing to suffer all kinds of torture for your sake, how will you feel?


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