Sunday, May 14, 2006

They say that Chistians are foolish
Christians are naive
Chistiansbelieve too simply
And Christians follow blind faith
Who are these people to judge?
The cross is of no significance to them
They do not know the true meaning of the cross
The cross is foolishness to them
And yet they make such flippant remarks
They want to question
But do they know exactly who was hurting
Each time they question about the existence of God
And about the origins of Jesus Christ
Who eaxactly was around when they stubbornly refused
To acknowledge His presence
They do not feel secure just by reading a little book
What they want is to see alming rituals
That they had creatively invented
But do they know that the book
That they so utterly despisedIs actually written long before many other books
That it already existed over 2000 years ago
That it was the best selling book in the world
That it holds wisdom in it
If they even cared to give it a scan
I suppose that if they really want to
Dig out the dark secrets of Christianity
"The biggest cover up in history"
As they called it
They could think about the mental state of Jesus Christ
He willingly went along with the wishes of millions of people
To get pinned to the wooden cross
To get slashed across his entire length of body
To get His flesh torn out
And to get mutiliated beyond hope of any normal recovery
And yet before he breathed His last
He uttered the words of forgivement
Forgave His disciples who had abandoned Him He did
Forgave the people who stoned Him He did
There would only be two conclusions as to catalyst of His behaviour
Either He was truly crazed and demented
That He purposefully offended people to get Himself crucified
Or that He was really God's son
Who died for all people whom He loved unconditionally
If He is a madman like in the former speculation
Would there be so many books and witnesses
Proclaiming His reality and greatness?
No, there won't be
Who on earth would want to worship a madman?
The evidences are spread clear across the table-top
Ready for examination
But who are to force these ignorant people?
For God is gentle
He allows His children to choose
But it hurt Him so much
When they say things like
"We meditate not to see heavenBut to end suffering"
They think that they know so much
But they do not even know the word 'faith'
There will come the day of Judegment
No one knows when
But I'm interested to see the reactions of these people
When they really come across God face to face
Knowing that they have believed in the wrong 'god'
I suppose time could not be turned around any other way
At least I know that by then everyone would have heard of the Gospel
To believe or not is in their hands


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