Friday, May 12, 2006

The devils lurk in a corner
Sniffing, checking, searching
Looking for their ideal victims
Who are ignorant, innocent and indulgent
In their self-controlled world
Where no one but only themselves matter
They are the perfect candidates
Whom the devils want to ensnare
With their well-practised tactics
They plan to pull these people down with them
To a place that is out of this world
And nothing that they had ever imagined it to be
Where selfishness reigns
And with jealousy, hate and anger littered all over
Inevitable suffering drips
With deep eternal damnation
Doomed to those who set foot there
To a lifetime of pain, regret and torture
They had been unwittingly tricked
Fallen for the devils' temptations
Turned away from the grace of God
Who had prepared a special place for us in paradise
The devils are green with envy
With malice oozing from every inch
They want to steal God's children from Him
Capture them and trap them within
In the darkest cells ever thought to exist
For they knew that with every child lost from Him
He would bleed in His heart

Break down internally
And cry tearfully for the unrepricoted love
He wanted to bring them to His haven
As their final resting stop
Shower them with blessings all year round
Love them with every bit of His strength
And let them marvel at His glory
Thwarting His ways are what the devils thrive in
Hatching plots to steal morality are what they specialise in
Many fall for their traps
Believing that they hold the truth
But no one can't do predictions
As tomorrow is always a mystery
To put their lives into which of the two hands held before them
Where one holds the grisly fate in which the unthinkable happens
Or the other which holds the key to the gates of Heaven
Who would you choose
Through the thick veil of doubt that have engulfed you
Struggling you may be to come to terms with Christianity
But perhaps you may just want to unburden yourself
And cast all your hopes into the one who is almightly
Live life to the fullest
With the void in your heart filled
Or walk about aimlessly
Knowing that you don't really have someone dependable to rely on
Listen to your heart
Know what it wants honestly
Hear the cry out of the starvation for love
Who else that have love that knows no boundaries
No one else other than Him
Everyone's Father


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