Sunday, May 27, 2007

I'm going to start by having a really standard beginning...

What's the purpose you have in life? To score flying colours for exams then get a dream job then slowly save up for a car and an apartment. That's what most people would say anyway and it seems like that's the road most ppl would strive towards to. Well, it wasn't supposed to be this way. All of us, we've been given a destiny by God. Yes, much as we want to oppose it, God has already set aside a purpose and a dream for each of us. He created us differently. He took time to carefully form our different physical features. But other than that, He gave us purposes which He want us to follow and to achieve in life. Knowing God is about knowing direction, having bearings over your future and having aspirations. Since each of us are created individually, we have dreams which are unique to our tastes and personalities too. We might not realise it but God has planted in us a dream which He would like us to fulfil. Needless to say, we often ignore God's calling for us. But whichever way we choose to run from, the dream which God has given us since long before he created the world will be the best path for us. We can only truly shine in doing what He, someone who knows us the best, has thought out for us.

This is the sermon for last sunday by Ms Landa Cope. I guess what she said would struck a chord in most of our hearts since most of us still dunno what to do as our career. Some people have jumped into a job, knowing that they're not really interested in it but they still did it anyway just for the 'branding' and $$. While still some others have what we call "mid-life crisis". They've been searching in the dark for some kind of satisfaction in life, whether they're looking for it in their jobs or their personal relationships. Then they come to a point where they don't know if what they're doing is really what they want for themselves. fancy moping around aimlessly doing something u're unsure of when u could've spent the last 20 years doing sth else which u really liked. Well, we could ask God what is His plan for us. Yes, doing so would seem as though we have no backbone since we can think for ourselves too why ask somebody with such unclear origins? But we're created by Him in the first place. We owe our lives and our everything to Him. We say grace before every meal beacause of the fact that He gave us everything, even the food we're eating, yes! (u could've been a starving poor kid in a 3rd-world country but yet u're born here, shouldn't u be thankful already?) He had planned a truly blessed route for us to take and if only we could be obedient to Him and forsake our self-centredness to follow Him, like we should have been doing. ppl think it's having no backbone, no opinions, no brains of our own dat's why we have to depend on some kind of divine power cos we may not be smart enough to think for ourselves or that we may be too lazy to have our own lives. but it's wrong! it's true humility that we can stop being prideful and mindful of ourselves. it's true recognition that we are infallible to wrongdoings and misjudgements that we can rely on someone whom u cannot see. God wants us to trust in Him, that really, whatever that comes our way, it's His ideal plan for us. It may seem like the worst kind of situation God has put u into BUT remember always that God's mind works brilliantly. We can never be able to fathom what He's really thinking unless we ask Him ourselves should we go to heaven. The thing is should we be able to trust him so that we should not grumble when we meet difficulties and we should know that what happens is for the best, then would we not have worries for tomorrow since what is there to worry about anyway? We've acknowledged that there's truly an amazing God who loves us the way we are and who would bless us should we give Him our trust and faith. Then all that matters to us would not be whether we'll make it through this particular trail but instead the only thing we need to concern ourselves would be whether or not we're living our lives the 'proper' way, the way He wants it. He'll only give us the BEST, not the second best option or the third, but the best and only the best.

yupps. Global Day of Prayer is over and im really glad i went. It was really gratifying to see so many children of God gathering and standing united, bonded by a common God and His love. We came from different churches, whether charismatic or non-charismatic, but we're still under the same God, the very same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We prayed for many people, especially the youth of this day. Young people today are bombarded with all kinds of present new age stuff which we think it's uncool not to be in it together with the other 'happenning' ppl. we can be influenced by them so much that come a day in the near future, we might think that killing the unborn fetus (or just a ball of undivided stem cells as they put it) in a mother is perfectly reasonable and that sex before marriage is just so normal since everyone is doing it and u'll really be an outcast should u stand by your old outdated views. gay marriages are becoming more of the norm even as more countries seek to legalise them. well, they say they're born that way but i don't suppose God made anyone that way since much as we like to think otherwise, He doesn't make any mistakes, particularly in creating the people whom He loves so much. Youths are really being tested by the Lord this day. Only time would tell if we're really His children and that our usual proclaimations of "I love Jesus" is really true to the heart and true to the test.

Ha, dunling and yiling in front. sneak peak. btw, why did my phone ever spoil. panasonic takes the clearest pics ever!! bwahaha.


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